About Jackie

Hi, I am Jackie...

Jackie Massey is a Life Coach, entrepreneur, wife, mother, and foster parent to children and adults with special medical needs.

Her life path has taken her through many twists and turns and ups and downs. Throughout her life, she has had to continually evolve and find her new path.

She has experienced many things in her life including being a single parent, domestic violence, divorce, financial problems, juggling a career, and a blended family all while living with chronic health issues.

These challenges had forced her to completely change the direction of her life, multiple times, taking a leave of absence from her full-time career, starting a home business while finding a new path, and learning how to cope and live with her new circumstances.

Her professional education has continued throughout her life as she is committed to lifelong learning and believes in embracing obstacles as opportunities.

She holds certifications in Applied Counselling with an additional specialization in Addictions, Business Management and Entrepreneurship, as well as Information Management and Technology.

She was a volunteer working crisis phone lines and running a weekly group for women who were working through addictions and trauma in their lives.

Through her pathfinding journey, Jackie has combined her personal experiences and development with her research on self-improvement and has created e-reports, workbooks and articles to help others design and improve their lives.

“Living with pain day in, day out, trying to raise a family and hold down a full-time job out of the house was probably the most difficult time in my life. Then it all came crashing down and I had to learn to live my life in a way I had never planned.”
- Jackie Massey-

© 2023 Self Pathfinder

© 2023 Self Pathfinder